Understanding DWI Checkpoints in Texas: Your Rights and Responsibilities

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense in Texas, carrying severe penalties that can affect various aspects of your life. To combat the dangers posed by drunk driving, law enforcement agencies in Texas often set up DWI checkpoints. These checkpoints are designed to identify and apprehend impaired drivers before they can cause harm to themselves or others. 

The intent behind these checkpoints is to enhance public safety, but they can also be intimidating and confusing for drivers who are unsure about their rights and responsibilities. This page aims to clarify what you need to know about DWI checkpoints in Texas and how to navigate them.

The Legality of DWI Checkpoints in Texas

DWI checkpoints, also known as sobriety checkpoints, involve police officers stopping vehicles at predetermined locations to check for signs of intoxication. The legality of these checkpoints has been a subject of debate, but the United States Supreme Court has ruled that they do not violate the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, provided they are conducted in a specific manner. In Texas, however, the situation is unique because the state constitution provides stronger protections against unreasonable searches and seizures than the federal constitution.

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has held that DWI checkpoints are unconstitutional unless they meet certain criteria. To be lawful, checkpoints must be conducted according to a predetermined, neutral plan, and they must be publicized in advance to mitigate their intrusive nature. This means that the police cannot arbitrarily decide to set up a checkpoint at a moment’s notice without proper planning and public announcement. These safeguards are intended to prevent abuses of power and protect citizens’ rights.

What to Expect at a DWI Checkpoint

If you encounter a DWI checkpoint while driving in Texas, it is important to remain calm and understand what to expect. Upon approaching the checkpoint, you will likely notice signs, traffic cones, and uniformed officers directing vehicles. You may be asked to slow down or stop completely as officers conduct their inspections.

When you reach the front of the line, an officer will typically ask you to roll down your window and provide your driver’s license and vehicle registration. They may ask you a few questions to determine if you have been drinking or if you show any signs of impairment. This initial interaction is usually brief, lasting only a few minutes, unless the officer has reason to believe you are intoxicated.


Criminal Defense Attorney

Douglas Wilder 


Criminal Defense Attorney

Douglas Wilder 

Attorney Douglas Wilder has always stayed on the cutting edge of training and attending seminars to ensure he has the most knowledge he can to represent his clients. This has led him to be recognized as one of the Best Lawyers under 40 in Dallas by D magazine, and also recognized as a Super Lawyer for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, & 2023.  .

Attorney Douglas Wilder has always stayed on the cutting edge of training and attending seminars to ensure he has the most knowledge he can to represent his clients. This has led him to be recognized as one of the Best Lawyers under 40 in Dallas by D magazine, and also recognized as a Super Lawyer for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, & 2023.  .


Criminal Defense Attorney Douglas Wilder 

Attorney Douglas Wilder has always stayed on the cutting edge of training and attending seminars to ensure he has the most knowledge he can to represent his clients. This has led him to be recognized as one of the Best Lawyers under 40 in Dallas by D magazine, and also recognized as a Super Lawyer for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, & 2023.  .

Your Rights at a DWI Checkpoint

Understanding your rights at a DWI checkpoint is crucial. You have the right to remain silent, although it is generally advisable to be polite and cooperative with law enforcement officers. You are not required to answer questions about where you have been or whether you have been drinking. Politely declining to answer such questions is within your legal rights.

Additionally, you have the right to refuse a search of your vehicle unless the officer has probable cause to conduct one. Probable cause means there is a reasonable basis to believe that you have committed a crime, such as the presence of alcohol containers in plain sight. If an officer insists on searching your vehicle without your consent and without probable cause, you should not physically resist but can make it clear that you do not consent to the search.

Field Sobriety and Breathalyzer Tests

If an officer suspects that you are intoxicated, they may ask you to step out of your vehicle and perform field sobriety tests. These tests can include walking in a straight line, standing on one leg, or following a moving object with your eyes. It is important to know that you are not legally required to perform these tests. In fact, they can be subjective and challenging even for sober individuals.

Similarly, you have the right to refuse a breathalyzer test at the checkpoint. However, refusing a breathalyzer test comes with its own set of consequences. Texas has an implied consent law, which means that by obtaining a driver’s license, you have implicitly agreed to submit to chemical tests if lawfully arrested for a DWI. Refusing a breathalyzer test can result in the automatic suspension of your driver’s license, regardless of whether you are ultimately convicted of a DWI.


The Wilder Law Firm helped me overcome my case with the most favorable outcome possible. My case was dismissed very quickly and they kept me updated throughout the process. They handled all of my court appearances which kept me from having to spend time away from work. I greatly appreciate their help and would highly recommend them.”

- Forrest Davis


I hired the Wilder Law Firm to help with my Family Violence Citations due to it’s remarkable reviews, experience in the field and high approval rating! The firm successfully resolved my cases and got both of them dismissed. This has not only given me a greater relief, but I’m happy and excited that I have no record to worry about. Thank you everyone at the Wilder Law Firm for the support and patience with me. I’m very excited."

- Steve Ak


My advice– call Wilder Law Firm– they will help you! I had two cases in two different courts and they were able to get both dismissed! Facing these two charges put me in a really hard time for a few months but with the Wilder Law Firm’s help, I was able to put all this past me and move on with a clean record. This was a hard life lesson but I am thankful for the results."

- Rudy Castanon

Legal Ramifications of a DWI Charge

Being charged with a DWI in Texas can have significant legal ramifications. If you are found to be driving while intoxicated, you can face criminal charges that may result in fines, jail time, community service, and mandatory participation in a DWI education program. A DWI conviction can also lead to the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, increased insurance premiums, and a permanent mark on your criminal record, which can impact your employment opportunities and personal life.

First-time offenders may receive relatively lenient penalties, such as fines and probation, but repeat offenders or those with high blood alcohol content (BAC) levels can face much harsher consequences. The severity of the penalties often depends on the circumstances of the offense, such as whether there was an accident or if minors were present in the vehicle.

How to Protect Your Rights

If you find yourself at a DWI checkpoint, it is important to protect your rights while also complying with the law. Being respectful and cooperative with officers can help de-escalate the situation. If you are arrested, it is crucial to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. An attorney can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, challenge the evidence against you, and advocate on your behalf.

Recording the details of your interaction with law enforcement can be helpful for your defense. This includes noting the location and time of the checkpoint, the questions asked by the officers, and any tests you were asked to perform. If you believe your rights were violated, this information can be vital for your attorney to build a strong case.


DWI - Not Guilty

0.117 BAC Three Hours After Causing A 3-Car Accident

Second DWI - Not Guilty

0.24 DWI on Moped And Stipulated To Intoxication In Trail

DWI - Not Guilty

2 DWIs 3 Years Apart

DWI - Not Guilty

2nd DWI .165 BAC

DWI - Not Guilty

2nd DWI - Refused Sobriety Testing

DWI - Not Guilty

0.199 BAC 2.5 Hours After The Stop

The Importance of Legal Representation

Having experienced legal representation is essential when facing a DWI charge. An attorney can review the circumstances of your arrest, identify any procedural errors, and challenge the legality of the checkpoint if it did not comply with constitutional requirements. They can also negotiate with prosecutors to potentially reduce your charges or penalties, and represent you in court if necessary.

A knowledgeable attorney can provide valuable guidance on how to handle the immediate consequences of a DWI charge, such as dealing with license suspension and fulfilling court requirements. They can also help you understand the long-term implications of a conviction and explore options for expunging your record if you are eligible.

Navigating the Aftermath of a DWI Arrest

The aftermath of a DWI arrest can be overwhelming, but taking proactive steps can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. It is important to comply with all court orders and deadlines, attend required hearings, and complete any mandated programs or community service. Demonstrating a commitment to addressing the issue and taking responsibility for your actions can positively influence the court’s perception of you.

In addition to legal consequences, a DWI arrest can have personal and financial repercussions. It is essential to seek support from family, friends, or professional counselors to help you cope with the stress and challenges you may face. Making lifestyle changes, such as attending substance abuse counseling or joining support groups, can also be beneficial for your overall well-being and future.

Your Responsibilities as a Driver

As a driver in Texas, you have a responsibility to abide by the laws and ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road. Avoiding impaired driving is not only a legal obligation but a moral one. Planning ahead for transportation if you plan to consume alcohol, using ride-sharing services, or designating a sober driver are simple yet effective ways to prevent a DWI.

Staying informed about your rights and responsibilities can empower you to make better decisions and protect yourself from legal trouble. By understanding the legal landscape of DWI checkpoints and knowing how to respond appropriately, you can navigate these situations with confidence and safeguard your rights.

Advocating for You 

If you or someone you know has been arrested at a DWI checkpoint, seeking legal assistance promptly is crucial. The legal team at Wilder Firm is dedicated to defending your rights and providing guidance throughout the legal process. With extensive experience in handling DWI cases in Texas, we understand the intricacies of the law and are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients.

We offer personalized legal support tailored to your unique situation and work tirelessly to protect your rights and future. Contact Wilder Firm today for a consultation and take the first step towards resolving your DWI case with the confidence that you have advocates on your side. Don’t navigate this challenging time alone; let us help you every step of the way.