Assault Charges During Protests: Legal Defenses in Texas

Protests are a powerful form of expression in a democratic society. They provide a platform for individuals to voice their opinions, demand change, and stand up for their beliefs. However, protests can sometimes lead to confrontations and conflicts, which may result in assault charges against those involved. In Texas, the legal landscape surrounding assault charges during protests is complex and requires a clear understanding of both state laws and the rights of individuals participating in these events. This page will explore the nature of assault charges during protests in Texas, the legal defenses available, and the importance of navigating these challenges with the assistance of a legal professional.

Understanding Assault Charges in Texas

In Texas, assault charges can arise from a variety of actions, including physical contact or threats of imminent harm. The Texas Penal Code defines assault as intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person, threatening another person with imminent bodily injury, or causing physical contact with another when the person knows or should reasonably believe that the other will regard the contact as offensive or provocative. During protests, emotions can run high, and what might begin as a peaceful demonstration can quickly escalate into a situation where individuals are charged with assault, sometimes unjustly.

Assault charges in Texas can be classified as either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the severity of the offense and the circumstances surrounding it. Misdemeanor assault typically involves cases where the injury is not severe, or the threat does not involve serious harm. However, if the assault results in serious bodily injury or involves the use of a weapon, it can be charged as a felony, which carries more severe penalties, including longer prison sentences and higher fines. In the context of protests, assault charges can sometimes be filed against individuals who were merely defending themselves or others, or who were caught in a chaotic situation without intending to cause harm.

Self-Defense and Defense of Others

One of the most common legal defenses against assault charges during protests is the claim of self-defense or the defense of others. Under Texas law, a person is justified in using force against another when they reasonably believe it is necessary to protect themselves or others from imminent harm. This means that if an individual is attacked during a protest or reasonably believes that they or someone else is in danger of being harmed, they may use force to defend themselves or the other person.

The key to successfully asserting a self-defense claim in Texas is demonstrating that the use of force was both reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. This often involves examining the specific facts of the case, including the actions of both parties, the nature of the threat, and whether the force used was proportionate to the threat faced. For example, if a protester is charged with assault after striking someone who was attacking them or another person, they could argue that their actions were a reasonable response to an immediate threat.


Criminal Defense Attorney

Douglas Wilder 


Criminal Defense Attorney

Douglas Wilder 

Attorney Douglas Wilder has always stayed on the cutting edge of training and attending seminars to ensure he has the most knowledge he can to represent his clients. This has led him to be recognized as one of the Best Lawyers under 40 in Dallas by D magazine, and also recognized as a Super Lawyer for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, & 2023.  .

Attorney Douglas Wilder has always stayed on the cutting edge of training and attending seminars to ensure he has the most knowledge he can to represent his clients. This has led him to be recognized as one of the Best Lawyers under 40 in Dallas by D magazine, and also recognized as a Super Lawyer for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, & 2023.  .


Criminal Defense Attorney Douglas Wilder 

Attorney Douglas Wilder has always stayed on the cutting edge of training and attending seminars to ensure he has the most knowledge he can to represent his clients. This has led him to be recognized as one of the Best Lawyers under 40 in Dallas by D magazine, and also recognized as a Super Lawyer for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, & 2023.  .

The Role of Provocation in Assault Cases

Another important factor in assault cases arising from protests is the issue of provocation. Texas law recognizes that individuals may have a right to defend themselves, but this right can be limited if the person claiming self-defense provoked the encounter. Provocation can occur when a person, by their words or actions, incites another to attack them, thus creating a situation where they are perceived as needing to defend themselves. In such cases, the person who provoked the incident may have a more difficult time asserting a self-defense claim.

During protests, provocation can take many forms, such as verbal taunts, aggressive gestures, or physical actions. It is essential to understand that not all forms of provocation will negate a self-defense claim. The court will consider whether the provocation was significant enough to justify the other person’s response and whether the person claiming self-defense had any opportunity to withdraw from the encounter before resorting to force. If the court determines that the individual who is claiming self-defense was not the primary aggressor or did not provoke the attack, their defense may still be valid.

Mutual Combat and Assault Charges

In some cases, assault charges during protests may arise from situations of mutual combat, where two or more individuals willingly engage in a fight or physical altercation. In Texas, the law does not excuse assault simply because both parties agreed to fight. However, the concept of mutual combat can play a role in determining the level of culpability and the appropriate legal defenses.

If a person is charged with assault during a protest and can demonstrate that the other party also willingly participated in the fight, this may influence the court’s decision regarding the charges and potential penalties. Additionally, mutual combat situations may provide a basis for negotiating lesser charges or alternative resolutions, such as diversion programs or community service, rather than facing the full penalties of an assault conviction. It is crucial to have a legal professional who understands the nuances of mutual combat and how it can affect the outcome of an assault case.



Result: Not Guilty

Assault Family Violence

Result: No Charges Filed

Title IX Accusation

Result: Case Dismissed

Solicitation of a Minor for Sex

Result: Probation

Delivery of a Controlled Substance

Result: Not Guilty

Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon

Result: Deferred Probation

The Importance of Intent in Assault Cases

Intent is a critical element in many assault cases in Texas, including those arising from protests. To secure a conviction for assault, the prosecution must prove that the accused person acted with the intent to cause harm or acted recklessly in a manner that resulted in harm to another person. In the context of protests, proving intent can be particularly challenging due to the chaotic and often unpredictable nature of these events.

Defense attorneys may argue that their client’s actions were not intentional or that the client did not have the requisite intent to commit an assault. For example, in a crowded protest, a person might accidentally push or bump into another individual without intending to cause harm. If charged with assault, the defense could argue that the incident was an accident rather than a deliberate act of aggression. Understanding the role of intent in assault cases is crucial for building a strong defense strategy, particularly in situations where emotions and actions may have been misinterpreted.

Constitutional Rights and First Amendment Protections

Protests are a fundamental aspect of the First Amendment rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. These rights include the freedoms of speech, assembly, and petition. When facing assault charges during protests, it is essential to consider how these constitutional protections may impact the case. While the First Amendment does not provide a blanket protection against all forms of conduct during protests, it does offer a defense in certain circumstances, particularly where the conduct in question was an exercise of free speech or peaceful assembly.

Defense attorneys may argue that their client’s actions were part of a constitutionally protected activity and that the charges are an attempt to suppress their right to protest. In some cases, courts may find that law enforcement overstepped their bounds by arresting individuals who were lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights. A successful defense based on constitutional grounds requires a thorough understanding of both the specific facts of the case and the broader legal principles that govern the rights of protesters.

Legal Representation and Navigating the Court System

Assault charges during protests can be complex, involving various legal, factual, and constitutional issues. Navigating the Texas court system requires a solid understanding of the law and the ability to present a compelling defense. For those facing such charges, seeking legal representation is crucial. An experienced attorney can help individuals understand their rights, evaluate the strength of the evidence against them, and develop a defense strategy tailored to the specific circumstances of their case.

In addition to providing legal advice, attorneys can assist with gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and negotiating with prosecutors to seek reduced charges or alternative sentencing options. They can also provide guidance on the potential consequences of a conviction, including the impact on employment, housing, and other aspects of life. Given the potential severity of assault charges, particularly those that may be classified as felonies, having a knowledgeable attorney on your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of the case.

If you are facing assault charges as a result of your participation in a protest in Texas, it is important to seek the assistance of a skilled legal professional. The legal team at Wilder Firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals and ensuring that they receive a fair trial. With a deep understanding of Texas law and a commitment to justice, the attorneys at Wilder Firm are prepared to provide the strong representation you need to navigate the complexities of your case. Contact Wilder Firm today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you defend your rights and secure the best possible outcome for your situation.