Category Archives: Sex Crimes

Understanding the Plano Romeo and Juliet Law: Protecting Young Love

Understanding the Plano Romeo and Juliet Law: Protecting Young Love

The Romeo and Juliet law is a legal provision designed to protect young individuals from being unfairly labeled as sex offenders for engaging in consensual sexual activity with partners close to their age. The law is named after William Shakespeare’s famous tragic lovers, Romeo and Juliet, who, in their iconic story, epitomize the essence of […]

Understanding the Legal Consequences of a Sex Crime Conviction in Plano

Understanding the Legal Consequences of a Sex Crime Conviction in Plano

Sex crimes are serious offenses that can have significant legal consequences, including imprisonment and a lasting impact on the offender’s personal and professional life. In Plano, Texas, as in other jurisdictions, the legal system treats sex crimes with utmost seriousness. It is crucial to understand the legal consequences of a sex crime conviction in Plano, […]

What is the Defense Against Sexual Performance of a Child?

What Constitutes “Sexual Performance by a Child in Texas? In Texas, if you’re charged with Sexual Performance by a Child, it’s a highly severe charge that can impose harsh penalties, including years of jail time and more. Texas penal code section 43.25 defines this charge and all the various (and sometimes innocuous ways) it can […]

What is Considered Statutory Rape in Texas?

Every state’s laws differ regarding the charge of statutory rape, and the consequences in Texas if convicted of this charge are some of the harshest in the county. There are various age  “limits” when it comes to statutory rape, but the legal definition of the crime is similar almost anywhere in the country. Statutory rape […]