Category Archives: Criminal Defense

Defending Your Rights: Challenging the Legality of Searches and Seizures

Defending Your Rights: Challenging the Legality of Searches and Seizures

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures, promising a fundamental right to privacy and security in their persons, houses, papers, and effects. This protection is essential in maintaining the balance between individual freedoms and governmental powers. However, the boundaries of what constitutes a reasonable search or seizure […]

Understanding Capital Murder in Texas

Understanding Capital Murder in Texas

When it comes to the most severe forms of homicide in Texas, understanding the nuances between murder and capital murder is crucial. At Wilder Law Firm, we focus on criminal law, with a focus on providing clear and comprehensive insights into legal matters. In this page, we’ll delve into capital murder definition, its distinctions from […]

How to Defend Yourself Against False Accusations

False accusations can ruin a person’s life and have real consequences in criminal and civil proceedings. Unfortunately, false accusations happen in divorce and child custody cases far too often. False accusations can also involve sexual harassment in the workplace, domestic violence, and assault. Many of us assume that the truth will always prevail through the […]

Will Causing Bodily Injury Always Lead to Aggravated Assault Charges?

You don’t need to commit bodily injury in order to get charged with aggravated assault charges. Assault is not the same as the battery, it can occur even if there is no physical violence involved in an interaction but just the threat of physical violence. In order to understand how it is that aggravated assault […]